With the blessing of my Guru Sh. K.N.Rao Ji and Lt. Sh. Col. Ashok Gaur, I am here again with my new series of Write up on mundane astrology.
Mundane astrology is the known branch of Vedic astrology which deals with the worldly event, political events, country events as war, mass death and destruction, worldly spread contagious disease as coronavirus, fall and firm of governments, rebel, general prosperity, the economy of a country and many more fields.
In Mundane astrology, we use various types of charts to study an event as SUN INGRESS CHART, SUN ENTRY CHART OF CARDINAL SIGN (1,4,7,10), LUNAR CHART, ECLIPSES CHARTS, AND VARIOUS TYPE OF CHAKRAS.
SURYA VITHI CHART OR SUN INGRESS CHART play an important role in mundane astrology. It is a very acceptable principle that sun ingress chart in the cardinal sign gives the indication for the next three months.
There is a big importance of ECLIPSES horoscope in mundane astrology. and, notably, there are four eclipses in during six months from December 2019 to June 2020, and in June 2020 we will see two eclipses.
Or it can be said that to study the next three months astrologers use sun ingress charts along with Lunar charts(paksha Kundli means full moon and no moon) and eclipses charts if any eclipses occur during this period.
On 13/04/2020 at 20:24 (Delhi, India) the sun is entering in Arise Sign mean sun ingress in a cardinal sign. it will help to understand what nature decided for human for the next three month, and how much human can learn with this.
And in this same duration of three months, we will study the ECLIPSES horoscope or Venus transit. During this three month, Venus will transit over Rohini, Mrigshira, and Ardra nakshatra, and in these nakshatra venuses always in the south moving and it is named GAJVITHI. During this period Venus will retrograde as well as debilitated also. and it will create a big impact.
14/05/2020: venus will retrograde
30/05/2020: venus will debilitated
08/06/2020: venus will rise
- Ascendant is Libra and nakshatra on Vishakha nakshatra.
- Moon is in Sagittarius sign and on the purvaasdha nakshatra.
- Ascendant Nakshatra lord is Vishakha which is ruled by Jupiter
- Moon nakshatra lord is Purvaasdha which is ruled by Venus.
- Sun is in Arise sign and on Ashwin Nakshatra which is ruled by Ketu
- Sun is aspected by Ketu and again Ketu is on Moola Nakshatra which is ruled by Ketu.
- Sun is in the double impact of Ketu Nakshatras. and Sun is also aspected by Mars from 10 house.
- Ascendant lord Venus is placed in own sign Taurus in eight house and aspected by debilitated Jupiter, who is third and twelfth sign lord.
- Ascendant is aspected by sun and Saturn.
It means Ascendant and ascendant lord both are afflicted.
- Even in this horoscope ascendant and seventh houses are afflicted.
- In second house second and seventh lord Venus is aspected by debilitated Jupiter.
- Third lord Mercury is debilitated in the twelfth house and afflicting for 3rd, 6th and 12th house.
- Fourth lord moon is also afflicted to be in Rahu Ketu axis.
- Ninth house is afflicted with Rahu and Ketu and ninth lord Jupiter is debilitated.
- Debilitated Budh is in VADH NAKSHA.
- Can say the 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,houses are activated.
- Good point is Lagna lord and the fifth lord are in good relation
1. In this horoscope, the fast-moving planets are hurdled by slow-moving planets.
- Venus is hurdled by Rahu.
- Jupiter is hurdled by Saturn
- Moon is hurdled by Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
2. Saturn and Jupiter both are in Uttarashada Nakshatra.
3. Venus and Moon both on 14 Degree.
4. Venus and Moon are in Nakshatra exchange.
5. Libra and seventh house are afflicted and this is indicating the war or war-like situation. (see my previous write up on 20/03/2020 @CORONA VIRUS )
- Venus is in the right moving situation in Rohini, Mrigshira and Ardra nakshatra and it also creates an impact for three months.
- As per mundane astrology, Venus in these nakshatras give scarcity in water and Grain, Crops.
- Ruler and Industrialist both get afflicted and lose of economy.
- Destruction of public, rampage and violence increase on earth.
- Venus is also trespassing during this period it means Epidemic, excess rain or no rain, inflation, mass destruction, demolition of Countries.
- Loss or stoppage of transport systems, extra expenditure on institutions.
- Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn gives inflation in metals and automobile sector, loss in cultivation, mass destruction due to disease, fear and uneasiness in public.
- Afflicted ascendant makes whole chart afflicted.
- 2nd house affliction: Bank fail, loss in the banking system, shortage of economical resources.
- 3rd house affliction: Loss in transport systems (railways, roadways and airways), problems in social connectivity, pressure on technical field.
- 4th house affliction: pressure on the ruling party, worst weather.
- 5th house affliction: pressure on educational institutes, loss of education, loss in entertainment industries.
- 6th house affliction: public down with epidemic, contagious disease.
- 7th house affliction: War or war-like situations, lockdown, emergency.
- 9th house affliction: Pressure on Business, pressure on religious institutions.
- 10th house affliction: Pressure on Government or Government bodies, Disease outbreak, Death of popular or famous personality.
- 12th house affliction: Pressure on Hospitals, medical industries, extra expenditures, increase rate of crime.
For a war or war-like situation, it has been seen many time in past it was the result of Mars and Saturn conjunction. And if this aspect is seen in horoscope even then we must re-examine through CHAKRA aspect for confirmation.
** In this Rashi Sanghatta Chakra, we can see the full aspect of RAHU, MARS, SATURN, JUPITER AND MOON, KUTU.
And history tells us many events of mass destruction with this combination. it can be seen that Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn sign is afflicted with Rahu, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter and Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius signs are affiliated with Moon and Ketu.
- The affliction of Taurus sign: Impact on western and eastern coastal area, Karnataka, Maharashtra.
- The Affliction of Gemini sign: Loss in transport systems.
- The Affliction of Cancer sign: Impact on Rajasthan, Gujrat.
- The affliction of Capricorn sign: Impact on Bihar, Orissa, and Bengal.
- The affliction of Libra sign: impact on Turkey, and the USA.
- The affliction of Capricorn sign: impact on eastern countries, China, Indonesia, Thailand.
Note: This is my first write-up of this series. will come soon my second write-up.
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